
March 9, 2010

I was watching a talk show over dinner today and they were talking to Mike Tyson and his documentary bout his life. She said, in the end of the movie, Mike goes on to say that he strives for a better life than what he has right now everyday. And how true, how true that basically everyone does that. We all have this subconscious voice or will that drives us to want to make our lives better each day.

Recent events have certainly placed that into perspective.

Symbiosis practically means a mutual profit from both parties as a relationship exists. To be able to make mutual symbiotic bonds between members of their own species is a natural born ability of any living creature. Animals do it, insects do it, and of course, building relationships with other human beings is a natural and essential part of our lives. But yet, the fact being that we’re as complex as we are, i really envy a lot of the more simpler functions that animals and insects use to create bonds and relationships. The only difference we have with (a lot) of the animal’s and insect’s ability to make relationships is that in their world, they don’t really break. There is no room for mis-communication, no margin for unintentional words uttered. We have that margin for error. And more often than not, a lot of the relationships that we see break so often are a result of small issues. Issues which could have easily been avoided or left unsaid.

Words are as powerful a tool as they are a weapon. We sometimes allow them to take control of out lives though, in a sense that misunderstandings and misinterpretations get the better of us. Even if intentions are noble, even if we stand wanting to clear the air, sometimes it maybe perceived in the wrong way. But I always believe and hope in this case that time does clear the air. It’s always a waste when things go sour, when because of little things that the bigger picture of making relationships that last goes to crap.

But saying that, it is this very ability to communicate on so many levels that make our relationships so rewarding, so enriching. And that’s the reason we keep on doing it. Be it in clubs with fun and crazy people, on facebook, at work, by the road, at go-kart tracks (haha).

This both applies to relationships both romantically, and friendships.

I’ve always said (even in a lot of the posts before) that I loathe significant others that put in place a certain amount of control in the actions of their gf/bf. And I dunno, it just may be me but here I always feel my superpower “common” sense tingling. It’s not your life. Fundamentally, you should always know that I want you to be in my life because I let you be in my life. And likewise, I’m in your life because you let me in too. That said, we’re two individuals who enjoy each other’s company more than others, we’re two people who have for the most part of our lives (as youngsters now) lived our lives single or without the company of the other. Just because we’re together now doesn’t mean that I’m supposed to drop my current life and devote my 24 hours to you (and vice versa). But of course, it doesn’t mean that being together is just a status, plain and simple.The rule of thumb for me is that whatever you want to do in your life, yes, it’s your life. You should do whatever you want if you can tell me where you’re going and where you are occasionally during the night/day so I know you’re safe, and that you’re not doing anything behind my back to betray my trust. Plain and simple right? Love me for who I am and not who you want me to be. Truth much?

I’ve never really disbelieved in love as much as I do now really. Maybe it’s past experiences, maybe it’s the notion that no one who’s been together for however many months cannot fathom how much of a commitment it is to say that four lettered word. But I’ll leave that for another day. Look not for love, instead, let it come without searching and it’ll be true. I’m happy with my life now with the friends that are in it. Being single for almost 2 years again now I’ve come to believe that there’s no rush.. that the song is true that hearts were never meant to race. Looking at problems that crop up now, actually makes me a little intimidated with the dramas.

I don’t really know where I’m going with this but I guess that it’s still the same that companionship, on both point of views of relationships, is imperatively essential in our daily lives. I hope that things will clear up soon between everyone. =)

daijobuuu haha.